First of all, I miss the communication device so much! We had to give it back on Monday after our 4 week trial. So far, so good...but I am crossing my fingers that we don't have to wait more than a couple months to get his permanent one.
Secondly, we have noticed some positive effects from the new medication (Fluoxetine 4mg 1x per day). We adjusted the time and he now takes it mixed with chocolate milk with supper. We have had no trouble with getting him to drink all of it for the last 4 weeks. The child. psych. had said it would take 4-6 weeks to be effective though it may need to be increased if we don't see much improvement in this time.
Well, we have noticed multiple well as a couple family members have made comments about how well he accepted certain things last weekend. He did not get upset when his balloon from the hockey game popped on G'ma & G'pa's ceiling...nor did he get upset when 2 minutes later, his little sister's balloon also popped which meant no more balloons to play with. I have also noticed mornings are so much easier when leaving for school. Back in December and January, he would get so mad when I told him it was time to get his shoes and coat for school. Despite the crazy Iowa weather that once again has prevented him from having a full week of school for weeks, he now just immediately puts his toys down, gets his shoes and coat...and has not protested ONCE in the last couple of weeks!
Time-outs have never been effective with him. Trying to get him to sit still is pretty much impossible, and forget about trying to get him to understand the reasoning behind a time-out. We typically go by the philosophy of "remove him or remove the object" to discipline. Well, we reached a couple times lately where I just told him to go sit in the kitchen (he was poking his sister in the eye and pushed her) AND HE DID IT! Mike walked into the kitchen to see this in I was too! He just seems to accept life a little bit more lately. Now I don't want anyone to think he doesn't still have his moments because of course he does...but these are just a couple things we have noticed are tremendously better compared to just a month ago.
I'm glad to hear that he's doing so well!