"When one door of happiness closes, another opens;
but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us."
Helen Keller

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Field Trip

Today I (Mike) had the pleasure to go with Brycen on his first field trip to the zoo.  I was assigned to lead Brycen and his new friend. Unfortunately his friend didn't come to school today so it was all on me. His friend had helped Brycen get over the hurdle of getting on the bus last week. Needless to say I was worried that without his friend, getting on the bus could become a problem. All the kids lined up,we were in the middle of the line, Brycen holding my hand, and the bus door was open. Off in the distance I could see Melissa sitting in her car watching to see if Brycen would get on the bus. I decided not to point her out to Brycen in fear that that might set him off, infact I said nothing, and then up the stairs we went!

Brycen chose the window seat, at that time I pointed Mommy out to him so he could wave at her and blow her kisses. Brycen looked out the window the whole way to the zoo just like he was riding in the car. I think Brycen loves riding the bus now!!! During the ride I explained to him periodically that we were going to the zoo to look at animals, infact he even imitated the word zoo by giving me a "ooo" sound.

I was assigned to be with Brycen and his friend, but since he didn't come we then joined another group. In that group a boy said he wanted to be Brycen's partner for the day, and off we went.
All the kids had a great time looking at animals but I know Brycen's favorite part was riding the train! We didn't do the train at first, we walked right by to go look at some monkeys, and Brycen had no problem with that! He would keep looking back at the train, and I would remind him that after we look at some animals we can ride the train.

When we were waiting for the train Brycen was getting a little anxious but when he heard that train whistle, his smile, and his excitement was priceless. He then had a little snack and juice during his train ride. He was willing to get off the train and continue to go look at some more animals.

At lunch time we all got back on the bus (with no problem) to drive to a park, to eat, and play! When we got to the park, lunch was first, and Brycen sat with about 6 of his classmates. His classmates would say things like "Brycen is sitting by his Daddy" or "Do you think Brycen can outrun a Cheetah?". His classmates want to interact with him but in that setting it is hard when Brycen can't talk to them, but it was great to see that he isn't ignored or forgotten!!!

After lunch it was playtime at the playground, organized chaos with all those kids, sometimes that means trouble for Brycen. The only sign of trouble was the line to go down the slide, some boys would budge infront of Brycen, when Brycen finally noticed that this would occasionally happen he took matters in his own hands. Brycen shoved a boy down, I then had to redirect him, and another teacher grabbed the other boy to tell him to wait his turn. Brycen can't exactly tell the kid "no its my turn" so he pushed him. We have to try to teach Brycen another way to "stand up" for himself without resorting to violence.

Brycen then got back on the bus to head back to school. He had a great day, and his Dad is so proud of him. He spent all day intergrated in his general education kindergarten class on a field trip to a zoo and a park! He simply amazes me, he has overcome so much, today was just another example of how great my son Brycen is!!!!!

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Autism and Our Family

"Autism"----It's one word that can change the life of a child and family in so many ways. Autism Spectrum Disorders are being diagnosed at a rate of 1 in 68 children currently. If you do not already know someone that has been diagnosed, the statistics say it won't be long before you do.

Our son developed typically until around the time he turned 2 years old. We heard words...we saw him play with other kids...we watched as he played with his toys appropriately...we made eye contact with him...overall we understood his wants and needs. In a matter of a few months, that was all taken away from him. He began lining up toys, lost all of his words and signs except for one word "ball", ignored other kids, could not sleep through the night, lost eye contact and the ability to follow directions, and he had no way of letting us know what he wanted or how he felt. It was heartbreaking to see something happening to our child that we couldn't stop!

Brycen began receiving home therapy 1-2 times per month for about 6 months before we realized it wasn't just developmental delays. We knew it was Autism...we just didn't want to say it outloud to anyone. He was officially diagnosed with Autism (classic form and regressive), as well as Mental Retardation in August 2009 by the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics.

We continue to learn as we make our way through this journey with Brycen and we will continue to share this journey with you on this blog! The blog has been a great therapy for us to be able to vent our frustrations and struggles with accepting that we have a child with special needs, while sharing how blessed we are to have a child teach us what life truly means. It has also been a great way to inform others of his progress and changes over the last couple of years.

Thank you for your support of Brycen and our family! We hope you are able to learn something through this blog no matter if you are a parent of a child with special needs or a neurotypical child, a teacher or therapist, a family member, or just someone that is interested in the journey that a family goes on as they learn their child is battling a life-long disorder.